Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Collider Interviews Alex Pettyfer and Director DJ Caruso
COLLIDER: Alex what did you get to do on this film that you’ve always wanted to do that’s a little different from, like you did on Beastly, is there something on this that you got to do and went “Yes!”?
Pettyfer: You know every film that you go from, you have different experiences, and this experience was working with people that I idolize. DJ, I love his movies from Disturbia to Eagle Eye. I remember reading Disturbia, one of the first scripts I ever got, and I go “Pfft, who wants to make a movie about a guy in a house?” And you watch it and you are blown away about what DJ does, you know he makes an intimate story about a guy who you care about. That’s what I loved about I am Number Four, is that you have all this great action and explosions and etcetera etcetera, but at the core of it DJ makes a story where you care about every single character and you feel like it’s real. That’s why the new Batman worked so well, cause it’s real. You don’t have people flying around and this and that, you have real situations with real people and you start to care about them.
COLLIDER: Obviously, a book is a book, a movie is a movie. Could you talk about the differences from the book to the movie? And also, this is the first of what could be a series of films, how much do you know about where it might go past here?
Caruso: Well I know for me, it was really trying to make—you know you have the book, you have the novel, you have the outline for where the second book goes, the third book was sort of on track to some of the thoughts that they had. But for me, it was really very selfishly trying to make the best movie that I can, trying to stick to some of the themes and elements from the book. But we did do some tweaking and changing, for example I think the biggest change would be—and it’s not a major change, [well] it is a major change dramatically—in the book when it starts he knows who he is, he knows exactly what he’s gotta do, he already has all these powers, most of these powers. We decided for the film to make it a discovery, that he kind of knows he’s special and he’s be chosen, he doesn’t know what’s gonna happen, and so as these powers kick in we, the audience, are discovering with him for the first time what’s happening to him and then how are these gonna relate to what happens later in the movie. So for me, dramatically, that was sort of the biggest shift that we took. And then also just, there’s a lot of sort of folklore and backstory about where he came from and how he got here and flashbacks and things, and I decided in the film just to keep it straight, make that the Chinatown of the movie. We know he’s not, wherever he’s from there’s some horrible things that happened, but for this particularly first film it wasn’t an important element of dramatically telling the story. So I think those were probably the two biggest shifts.
COLLIDER: Okay the tortured souls in different ways. This kid moves all the time, he’s got this horrible background, and your guy in Beastly is a high school student as well who’s paying for his arrogance basically. So do you pick roles like that on purpose? Why do you gravitate towards these guys?
Pettyfer: I think John isn’t a tortured soul, he is a guy who—everyone in life comes to a point where they have a choice, and John’s choice is he wants to lead a life of normality and that’s not his destiny. His destiny is he is essentially this warrior who is from another planet, and that is what’s so torturing for him. He isn’t a tortured soul; he is very vulnerable because of the situation that he’s in. And he may feel tortured, but really it’s about choice for him and him wanting one thing, yet him having to do another to actually essentially get what he wants. Because if he doesn’t become this warrior, and doesn’t go down this path he’s gonna actually lose everything he’s ever wanted. He wants to be normal.Head over to Collider to read the full interview, there's a lot more with Alex and DJ!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
NEW Extended Trailer for I Am Number Four
This movie just keeps looking better and better! Check out the new extended trailer for I Am Number Four!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Teresa Palmer -- NEW Interview -- I Am Number Four
Teresa Palmer, Number Six in DJ Caruso's on screen adaption of I Am Number Four, recently sat down and talked with Steve "Frosty" Weintraub of Collider during a press day for the film. During the interview Teresa talks about her thoughts on seeing some of the finished footage, the training she had to do for the film, and the stunts she had to perform. Read on for details.
COLLIDER: So how was the training for this?
Palmer: I was in extensive training for about maybe 3 months before we started the actual filming process. It was very intense, but in the most wonderful way. It’s definitely the most physically challenging role I’ve ever taken on. We started slowly. I didn’t want to do a disservice to Number Six by not knowing how to fight and having a body double or stunt double do all that work. So I decided that I would learn to fight, to use a sword, to shoot a gun, to flip around and do as much of the action as I could. But it was long and I had a ton of battle scars and bruises and…just hours of training, but I definitely got in the best shape of my life on that movie. Unfortunately, that hasn’t kept, but that’s ok (laughs).
COLLIDER: Obviously, you’re character is in the end of the trailer. Have you seen final footage, have you done ADR (additional dialogue recording) work, or was that your first time seeing footage?
Palmer: I have done ADR work. In fact, that’s why I have such a croaky throat at the moment. I ADR’ed a ton of my action sequences. One of the pieces you saw in the trailer is showing my “legacy,” which is a power that Number Six has; she has the power of being fireproof. So the shot of her holding back a massive fireball, I had to ADR that entire scene because I wasn’t mic’d, which meant just screaming for like four hours. So I have seen a lot of the footage and it looks really great so far. It’s very action-packed and the special effects seem just so new and refreshing and stuff that I haven’t seen before. It’s really exciting.
COLLIDER: So, this was your first film where you were kind of doing these crazy stunts. Could you talk about what that experience was like?
Palmer: It was very intimidating. Especially when I had been training for months using these big, soft mats and I was very confident. I was like, “Ohhh, this’ll be a piece of cake,” and then I get to set, and obviously you can’t have these big blue mats on the ground. And they said, “Look, we can pad you up,” but you can’t put too much padding underneath the tight leather that I’m wearing, so I really had a tiny soft-gel pad. And in one of the scenes, I had to throw myself onto the ground [and do a] front roll and slam up against this wall. And literally like ten minutes before we started shooting it, the stunt team were trying to teach me to just roll on concrete and it was so painful. But I didn’t want my stunt double to do it because I wanted them to have the option of using my face during the roll. So, we did it twice and it was extremely painful and I was all bruised the next week (laughs). But it was worth it and I really felt like I had accomplished something.
Click here to read the full article, including how Alex Pettyfer continuously pranked Teresa on set!
Dianna Agron --NEW Interview -- I Am Number Four
Collider has posted a new interview with actress Dianna Agron, Sarah Hart, in I Am Number Four. In the interview, Dianna talks about how she got into acting, working with Alex Pettyfer and some memorable filming moments. Read on for details!
COLLIDER: So could you tell us how you started out?
Agron: Well I was working, I taught dance classes. But I started out a ballerina and I fell in love with movies like An American in Paris and Singin’ in the Rain, just that was kind of what I was raised on. So I wanted to be like Audrey Hepburn but at the same time I was watching Lucille Ball and thinking “She’s so fabulous.” So in my mind I counter between wanting to be both of them. And so I started acting in high school and towards the end of high school I realized, as I was applying to school, this is something that [I’ve] always loved. I think I made up my mind when I was 7 or 8, and I told my mom and she said “Well you know, there’s a lot of down time on sets” and I said “It’s okay I’ll read a book.” And kind of that childhood want took in senior year and I thought, “Well, you know it’d be great to give it a shot.” I’m also the oldest of two, so I’ve always been very independent and I moved down here and I got into acting classes and it kind of all just came together in a very slow and steady pace, but I think that’s what was very healthy and very fulfilling about it cause now I’m here and I can look back and think “God if I was there again I don’t know if I would want, even knowing the outcome, I don’t know if I would wanna, you know, trek through (laughs).” But it’s the most amazing feeling when everything kinda works out the way you had hoped it would.
COLLIDER: You spent three months in Pittsburgh, what’s the thing that you remember most about the city, and what’s the thing about the movie that you remember the most, when you think on the filming process?
Agron: Well erratic weather, which lead to the most wonderful experiences because, it was just comical. I mean we were always filming about 30 minutes outside of Pittsburg, [with] you know beautiful towns and beautiful lush trees and bushes and just [a] wonderful set up for Ohio-feel and for this movie. And the people were so kind and so in awe of the movie, even though many films are being shot in Pittsburg now, it was such a childlike wonderment about the whole process. Which I think really is great as an actor to see because you realize, it’s such an uncanny thing for so many people, and I often feel that every day but at the same time it becomes a job and it becomes so normal, and you realize that it’s not normal to most people. So on top of that we had this crazy weather, and it wasn’t cold but it was, you know sunny and then torrential rain and then we’d have mud up to our ankles and then up to our knees and then driving on Gators to get to this location. And our producers would be on the phone, and you know because of the iPhones now and all these crazy applications you can predict and see—“Okay well the storm is gonna pass in 5 minutes, it’ll be back in 10 minutes, and then it’ll leave for 30 minutes and then it’ll be back an additional 5.” And so, you know you’d have your producer saying “Okay we have time for one take, then cover your equipment with tarps.” So you’d be rushing up there, “Okay, I can’t screw this up, one take alright let’s go,” “Okay cover with tarps! Cover with tarps! Run under the thing! Get your umbrella!” And it was so funny, and you watch the film now and you don’t see any of that, which is the beauty of it. And we’d have our crew telling us the craziest stories about filming experiences and “Well this we shot in the desert, in 120 degree heat, and blahblahblah.” And I think, because when you’re watching the film it’ll never be as fun as it was making it, you know, because it was so personal to you. It’s something to be proud of at the end, but just the experience is the best part of it. And then watching it, what brings that feeling back, is just knowing all the backstory to every single moment. Much more so than TV because TV is fast, so you’re so focused and in the moment, that sometimes you don’t really have that same feeling.
COLLIDER: ...why is John Smith so interesting to her (Sarah)?
Agron: Because it’s a chance to start over. She’s had this life that, maybe part of it she wanted, part of it she hasn’t, she had the high school football boyfriend, that wasn’t what she wanted. And so for the first time she has somebody that has no judgments, and is listening to her being her, and at the same time she’s not judging him. And they are so quickly drawn to each other and let down all the walls and just have these really pure, organic feelings for each other. It’s what I loved so much about their characters, and you see that that really helps them both go on this journey together, and to really strongly pursue, you know, the plan.
COLLIDER: How did it feel to costar with Alex (Pettyfer) in this movie?
Click here to read the full interview.Agron: He was great. I mean, I didn’t meet him until the day before the table read. And I thought, “Okay no judgments” he’s British, he’s very attractive, he’s the lead in this movie, let’s see. And you realize quickly with him, he’s very worldly. He’s from Europe; he’s been traveling and kind of exploring and taking in people from all different walks of life his whole life. And he was very passionate about this film and about what we could do and what we could explore with it. I think it shows in the trailer, I mean he looks amazing and so focused, and yeah I can’t wait to see the whole thing and kind of really see how it all turned out.
New Interview with Director DJ Caruso, PLUS Information on 20 Minutes of the Film
Steve "Frosty" Weintraub from Collider has just posted another amazing interview with Director DJ Caruso as well as a description of 20 minutes of the film he was lucky enough to see. In the interview we learn a lot of great details about the film, including the special effects, what's different about the movie versus the book, and how Steven Spielberg has helped with the editing of the film. Read on for highlights!
First the interview:
COLLIDER: It looks like you spread out a lot of the action which in the book was at the end. Was the conscience?
DJ: Not really. We have some action that is inter-stickle, but kind of gets you there. We still have the fight in the forest, still have the fight there after the hay ride in the forest. But really, I think the action starts in high school, which is all act 3, which is very similar to the book.
COLLIDER: You are dealing with a series of books when only #1 is released, are their elements worked in that we don’t know now, but years from now will?
DJ: Yeah there are some elements worked in. Particularly the whole sort of mythology of the Mogadorians is not explained in the movie as it is in the book. You just sort of understand from John the history of the legacy. There are some things in the movie, particularly what happened to Sam and Sam’s father and why they go to Paradise. Ultimately Sam, Six, and John ultimately embark on a journey and that’s where the authors let us know book two would be starting. So we just saw an outline for book two not the whole book so we definitely kept that on track. But the movie has a beginning, middle, and end and ends in a very satisfying way. So if it does well and we want to make another one you can understand that people would want to know that John and Six are going to look for the others. And when they find the others how powerful they can be. But I still think it stands alone and has a beginning, middle and end as a stand-alone film.
DJ: I think particularly in the book John is a lot more knowing about the powers he has and what is happening in his life and cinematically we thought to have him discovery more of these things. Henry sort of keeps him in check and keeps him waiting for these things to happen. I think it is much more interesting from a cinematic stand point not necessarily from a literary standpoint that you are with your character when he is discovering these things. He is sitting in science class when everything seems to be okay and he is looking for Sarah and his first legacy, like full blown legacy starts to come out from his hands and he has no idea why that is happening so he kind of needs to curtail that and run into the closet and all this stuff happens. So you experience that as a viewer with him. You are learning all about the same stuff he is, instead of already knowing he already has it. I think it is a better story telling device.
Click here to read the full interview with Director DJ Caruso.
Now, what about that footage??
After the DreamWorks logo appears, we pan to the right and then start to zoom in on our planet with an awesome shot that keeps on going until we ultimately end up in the jungle and in a small cabin with mosquito protected beds. A man hears something. He gets out of bed and grabs what appears to be a strange looking weapon. As he walks over to the window to investigate what might be outside, we are shown another person in the cabin. He’s younger. Scared. Cut to the the adult. After believing they are safe, he turns and then….
Want more?? Then head over to Collider and check out "Frosty's" full description of the film footage. It sounds AMAZING!!
Haven't seen the trailer yet? Check it out below!
NEW Images from I Am Number Four
The onslaught of news continues as new stills have just been released from I Am Number Four. These new images appear to be stills from the full length trailer that was released yesterday.
Take a look!
Take a look!
Here's hoping we'll get new images soon with Bernie Kosar, Sam and Mark!
Alex Pettyfer Talks I Am Number Four
To begin with, from the trailer the film seems to have some resemblances to the classic Superman story because its about a boy from another planet with incredible powers learning to fit in on Earth. Can you talk about your character's powers and how he is different from Superman and other alines that we've seen depicted in movies in the past?
Alex: ...But the difference between what you're saying is that we have a character that has a choice and Superman is someone who knows his destiny, wants it, and fights it. He kind of endures the fact that he has all these powers and blah, blah, blah, all that bullshit. But we have a guy that has a situation where he has a choice where he doesn't really want any of his powers. He wants the normality. It's kind of like that Jason Bourne feeling of not knowing who you are. He wants the normal life where he is in the same place as the same people around him. He wants everything to be normal. That's not who he is and that's not what his destiny is. That's why our movie is so sophisticated and so fascinating to watch. Because you're watching a guy basically enjoy his destiny, but he doesn't want it. He's going along on this journey not wanting it. But he realizes halfway through, when everything is happening that he has to do this to get anything that he's ever wanted on his other path...
You can read the rest of this interview here.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Full Theatrical Trailer for I Am Number Four
It seems like it's been forever since the Teaser Trailer for I Am Number Four was released, and now finally we have the full theatrical trailer to share with you. Where the first trailer was heavy on action, this one touches on more of the romance between John and Sarah. But, fear not action lovers, there's still plenty of that showcased in the 2 minutes and 29 seconds as well. We also get to see more of Timothy Olyphant, who plays Henri and Teresa Palmer who is Number Six.
The differences between book and film are all ready apparent in the trailer, but the central themes still seem to be there. Can't wait til February!
So, what do you think of the new trailer? Let us know in the comments!
Remember I Am Number Four will be released on February 18, 2011.
The differences between book and film are all ready apparent in the trailer, but the central themes still seem to be there. Can't wait til February!
So, what do you think of the new trailer? Let us know in the comments!
Remember I Am Number Four will be released on February 18, 2011.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Cover and Details for Movie Tie-In Edition Revealed -- Including a Sneak Peek!
The cover for the I Am Number Four Movie Tie-In Edition was released today along with a few details of the upcoming book.
First the eye candy...
Now, the news! Notice the little blurb on the top right hand corner of the book? Inside the MTI-Edition we will be getting a sneak peek at the next book in the Lorien Legacies series, The Power of Six. Now, if Alex's picture on the cover is not enough to get me to pick up the edition (and how could it not), the sneak peek will certainly get it into my hands! I can't wait to learn what happens next.
The Movie Tie-In Edition of I Am Number Four will be released on January 4, 2011, so less than a month away!
So, will you be picking up this new version of the book? Let us know what you think in the comments!
Source: I Am Number Four Fans
First the eye candy...
Now, the news! Notice the little blurb on the top right hand corner of the book? Inside the MTI-Edition we will be getting a sneak peek at the next book in the Lorien Legacies series, The Power of Six. Now, if Alex's picture on the cover is not enough to get me to pick up the edition (and how could it not), the sneak peek will certainly get it into my hands! I can't wait to learn what happens next.
The Movie Tie-In Edition of I Am Number Four will be released on January 4, 2011, so less than a month away!
So, will you be picking up this new version of the book? Let us know what you think in the comments!
Source: I Am Number Four Fans
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Are You Ready for the Power of Six Cover? -- UPDATE!!
The Official Site for The Lorien Legacies, IAmNumberFourFans has announced that tomorrow, Friday, November 5th we will be receiving our first look at the cover of the next book in the series, The Power of Six.
UPDATE: I am not sure what has happened, but apparently the powers that be have changed their mind on releasing the cover for The Power of Six. I have checked their site and their twitter and any mention of them releasing the cover image has been deleted. It is sad that we weren't allowed to see the image today, but it is disappointing that rather than let us know that things had changed, they chose instead to delete all mentions of releasing it. Hopefully this is just a minor snafu and they will give us a peek soon.
From the official site:
One it refers to "Six" herself and the book either focuses on her or is told from her perspective.
Another theory is that is refers to the six remaining Lorien Garde members as a whole, and the power they have together to fight. This early on in the series, I would go with the former rather than the latter, since it might be too soon for them to have found all of the members of the Garde. But then again it could be something else entirely as well.
My gut feeling is it will be another symbol image, like I Am Number Four's cover and will be Six's symbol which won't necesssarily tell us much about the book, but will keep us guessing.
So, how excited are you to see the cover for The Power of Six? Do you have any theories for where the book will take us next or perhaps what the title may mean?
Let us know your thoughts!
UPDATE: I am not sure what has happened, but apparently the powers that be have changed their mind on releasing the cover for The Power of Six. I have checked their site and their twitter and any mention of them releasing the cover image has been deleted. It is sad that we weren't allowed to see the image today, but it is disappointing that rather than let us know that things had changed, they chose instead to delete all mentions of releasing it. Hopefully this is just a minor snafu and they will give us a peek soon.
From the official site:
I AM NUMBER FOUR left us all hanging and we hope that you can’t wait to delve back into that world. And for those of you who are patiently waiting, we are ready to share something with you…a little nibble if you will. Something to hold you over until the book is out in Summer 2011...
The cover!
This Friday, we are going to reveal the highly confidential cover of THE POWER OF SIX, the next book in the Lorien Legacies series!I don't know about you, but I am incredibly excited to see the new cover! I'm hoping it will reveal some information about the focus of the book. The word "Six" in the cover could be taken in different ways.
One it refers to "Six" herself and the book either focuses on her or is told from her perspective.
Another theory is that is refers to the six remaining Lorien Garde members as a whole, and the power they have together to fight. This early on in the series, I would go with the former rather than the latter, since it might be too soon for them to have found all of the members of the Garde. But then again it could be something else entirely as well.
My gut feeling is it will be another symbol image, like I Am Number Four's cover and will be Six's symbol which won't necesssarily tell us much about the book, but will keep us guessing.
So, how excited are you to see the cover for The Power of Six? Do you have any theories for where the book will take us next or perhaps what the title may mean?
Let us know your thoughts!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
New Promotional Image for I Am Number Four
A new promotional photo of I Am Number Four stars, Alex Pettyfer and Dianna Agron has just been released and it is AMAZING! Cannot wait to see the other images from this shoot! We promise to bring them to you as soon as they are released!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Henri Smith aka Timothy Olyphant -- On Set Interview -- I Am Number Four
Yet another interview from Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub at This time he sits down with Timothy Olyphant who plays Henri, Number Four's Guardian or Cepan. In the story, Henri truly becomes John's father figure and mentor as he grows and develops his Legacies and prepares to battle for his life against the Mogadarians. Timothy discusses the role, working with DJ Caruso and some of the other projects he has been working on.
Here is an excerpt from the interview:
Here is an excerpt from the interview:
Collider: What is your character like, obviously he is a mentor to John.
Timothy Olyphant: He plays John’s guardian, his sole purpose is basically to keep him alive and train him so that he can fight his own fight.
Collider: Have there been any hints from D J or the writers about subtleties of your character that may be in the book that may not be obvious in the movie?
Olyphant: Basically the process was when he was getting me to, when I read it I had a very specific take on what I would like to do with it, I had that conversation with DJ and we were on the same page about what I was talking about and we just kept poking around in that area, we talked about the book a little bit in terms of the source material and what was to important to honor, because I am not in the know in terms of the novel on occasion if I have an idea, it occurs to me that we have a source material that I don’t know if I am going in that direction. If I have an idea that goes outside of what’s on the page and I say “you know I know it’s not in the script but here is what I would like to do. I also need to ask and how does that relate to the book and obviously even though I haven’t read the book, others have and I am in a position to be able to ask the questions.
Nine Things Learned on the Set of I Am Number Four
Here are a few of the tidbits he picked up:
Changes to the screenplay led to changes in the books.
Fans of the book may be surprised when they see the finished film. Why? Because while the cast and crew strived to stay true to the spirit of the original text, a number of details were changed along the way.
"In the book, [Number Four] knows from page one what he's supposed to do," Caruso told us. "In the movie it takes him quite a while to kind of figure out who he is and what he wants to become. And I think that was what was dramatically and cinematically interesting to me -- who he thinks he is and who he really is are two completely different people. And he has to come to terms with understanding that who he wants to be isn't who he's going to become."
The good news is that if there's a sequel, it's likely to stay much closer to the source material for one simple reason: After reading the script for this movie, the authors will be changing the second book to match.
"It's interesting because [the authors] have just outlined the second book, so some of the stuff that we had in the movie kind of sparked different ideas," Caruso said. "I noticed that their outline for book two had changed a little bit. Which was kind of cool."
Number Six Speaks -- On Set Interview with Teresa Palmer -- I Am Number Four
Yet another wonderful interview from Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub. This time his target is Teresa Palmer, who plays the mysterious Number Six in I Am Number Four. Number Six is another member of the Lorien Garde on Earth, but instead of hiding from the Mogadorians, she has decided it's time to stop being hunted, and stand up and fight. She has been tracking down Number Four (Alex Pettyfer) in an attempt to bring all the Garde together to battle their enemies. In the interview Teresa talks about the film, her character and how she trained for the "butt kicking" her character does in the film.
Here are a few excerpts:
Here are a few excerpts:
Collider: Tell us a little about #6. Do you have a real name or is it just #6?
Palmer: She’s just #6. It’s been really a very physically demanding role because I’ve been training for the last 8 weeks doing like stunt work. I’m on the wires doing backflips. Right now I’m all padded up because I have to do a fast frontwards roll on the concrete. And obviously I’ve been training on pads, so it’s just funny when you arrive on set and you realize it’s not rehearsal anymore. You actually have to do it. You don’t get to wear a helmet There aren’t any pads on the floor. You just have to commit to it. It’s been really exciting. It’s a very cool character.
Dianna Agron -- I Am Number Four -- On Set Interview
More interviews from Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub on the way, starting with his chat with I Am Number Four's leading lady, Dianna Agron. Dianna plays Sarah, the ex-cheerleader from Paradise, Ohio, who befriends and eventually falls in love with John Smith (Alex Pettyfer). In the interview Dianna talks about taking on the role, how it differs from Glee and working with director D. J. Caruso.
Here are a few excerpts:
Here are a few excerpts:
Collider: What about this particular film interested you?
Agron: It was funny. There had been this kind of push within my team to find a summer project. I said first and foremost “I don’t want to do something if not’s right just because it fits into my schedule” because it’s so hard as an actor to really engage with a character and a script if you don’t love it. It’s very difficult. So this project kind of came full circle because in January I had met Steven Spielberg. He had said “You know, there is this awesome script and we’re interested in you But you’re not available because it shoots in October.” And I was just flabbergasted that he knew who I was. Then it came back around and it had pushed. My manager, love her, was like “We can shoot for this.” and I said “You’re crazy. The shoot goes too long and it’s not going to match with the break.’ Luckily, I read the script, and I loved it. I met DJ and we just bonded so quickly. Both the film and the show worked around each other. So I’m here because of very many things, people, luck, patience, and my manager being persistent.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
I Am Number Four Trailer---EXTRA!! UPDATE, better quality video added!
Check out this Origins Featurette for I Am Number Four! Includes comments from Director D.J. Caruso and Alex Pettyfer. It also includes the first look at Bernie Kosar at 0:36, so watch closely!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Alex Pettyfer On Set Interview I AM NUMBER FOUR
The interviews by Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub continue! This time it's Alex Pettyfer, the star of I Am Number Four himself in the hot seat. Alex plays John Smith, an alien from the planet Lorien who has been living on Earth since he was four. The whole time he has been in hiding from the Mogadorians who've are bent on killing him and the 8 other members of the Garde that escaped Lorien safely. The trick, due to a charm placed on them the 9 members of the Garde must be killed in numerical order. When #3 is killed in Kenya, Number 4, played by Alex knows he is next.
In the interview Alex talks about how he almost gave up the role, his character and the potential for a "next movie". Here are some excerpts.
In the interview Alex talks about how he almost gave up the role, his character and the potential for a "next movie". Here are some excerpts.
How did you get involved in the project?
PETTYFER: I came over to do ADR for 3 days for “Beastly” and I said, “Why do I really want to go back to England? Might as well stay out and have a mini-holiday.” I got this audition for “Number 4”, I sat down, they role the tape, I’m about to say my first word, and I go, “I’m sorry, I can’t do this.” The director’s like, “What?” I said, “I can’t do this, sorry.” I got up and walked out the door of the audition. I think maybe it was nerves, or the people who were attached. I came back and I screen-tested for it.
Alex Pettyfer Wanted Dianna Agron to Play Opposite Him in 'I Am Number Four'
It appears Alex Pettyfer knew who would be the perfect Sarah from the beginning. conducted an interview with Alex and this is what he had to say about his costar.
You can read the rest of the article here
I Am Number Four hits theatres February 18, 2011
"Amazing, such a beautiful human being," he told us. "It's amazing to kind of read the script and imagine who you'd think would play the characters - it was funny with both Dianna and Teresa [Palmer] I walked into D.J.'s office, and I hadnt seen Glee, but I've seen the posters. I was like, 'Do you know who would be great for Sarah? Dianna.' And he had a picture of her already and she had already been cast."The next day I was like, 'Do you know who would be great as Number Six?' and I just saw the poster for 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice'... it was really funny. It was the first time that's ever happened. They're both amazing to work with."JSYK also tracked down Dianna to find out what it was like kissing Alex on screen:
"Those all came first, for some reason," she told us. "I actually have a theory on why that is, kissing scenes typically come first or near the beginning of filming, I think it's because if things go terribly wrong people might not like each other and it might be really difficult to make that believable. Regardless, you've seen Alex... he's not hard to look at. But you know it is interesting because you're in front of this crew, which, no matter how close you are to them, it's always a little awkward because people are watching you and I always space out and I don't even know what's going on."
You can read the rest of the article here
I Am Number Four hits theatres February 18, 2011
Director D.J. Caruso On Set Interview I AM NUMBER FOUR
As we mentioned in our previous post, Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub from had the unique opportunity to visit the set of Dreamworks, I Am Number Four this past July. During that time he was able to sit down and talk with the playmakers that are bringing this book to the big screen.
One of the interviews he was able to conduct was with Director D.J. Caruso. 'Frosy' was able to talk to him about he got involved with the project as well as some wonderful insight into the book and film, and how the film differs from the book.
Here are some brief excerpts:
Source: Collider
One of the interviews he was able to conduct was with Director D.J. Caruso. 'Frosy' was able to talk to him about he got involved with the project as well as some wonderful insight into the book and film, and how the film differs from the book.
Here are some brief excerpts:
How did you get involved with this? Obviously, you had the association with DreamWorks before. Did you get the manuscript back when they were first optioning it?
He goes on to talk about how the movie will be set up differently than the book:DJ Caruso: What happened was that I remember reading that they had bought this manuscript for Michael Bay and just thought, “Oh, that sounds like a really good idea,” and then when “Transformers 3” was definitely going to happen, Steven (Spielberg) called me and said, “Would you read this? We really want to make this movie and Michael can’t, Michael doesn’t have enough time,” and I read the manuscript for the book and liked the concept, read the screenplay and thought it needs some work but dove into it and started working on it for about five or six months and got it into good shape and started making the movie. I love DreamWorks. For me, there’s no other place where I’d rather work.
So this is mostly a set-up for these characters, do we get a lot of their history?
DJ Caruso: You know what? This is interesting. In the book, you’ll get a lot more of the history of Lorien and where he came from. In the screenplay, we deal with it on kind of a level where there’s a lot of mystery, so I think God willing Movie 2 is going to be the second half of this book in a weird way, because there’s a lot more of the history of where he came from and how he got there. I was more interested in him trying to figure out who he was. Who he wants to be and who he ultimately is are two different people and I think that was sort of the dramatic conflict that I liked. This is a kid who really thinks he wants to stay in a small town and fall in love with this girl but at the same time, his destiny and what he’s supposed to do are not going to allow him to do that.This is a very lengthy and intriguing interview, so please check out the rest of it here.
Source: Collider
I Am Number Four Set Visit Report
Here's a bit of his set report,
Alex Pettyfer is freaking out. He’s just discovered he can shoot light from his hands and it looks like he has flashlights shooting out from inside his skin. He’s sitting in a small janitor closet in a High School hallway and I’m standing very close to director D.J. Caruso (Eagle Eye, Disturbia). We’re all looking at the monitors. Timothy Olyphant, who plays Pettyfer’s guardian, walks into the closet shortly after Pettyfer and he’s telling him to relax. As Olyphant gets him to calm down, the light emitting from his hands starts to dim until it finally goes away. While the effect is being done practically, it looks real on the monitor. I’m impressed. I watch take after take of Olyphant and Pettyfer trying to get it right.The report goes on to discuss need to know facts about the book and gives bits and pieces of interviews, "Frosty" was able to do while on set. There is also a bit more about the scenes that they were working on while he visited. You can read the rest of the report here.
Source: Collider
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